African basket - Large oval basket hotsell with 2 handles - Bolga basket -fairly traded basket- Farmers market, picnic, beach basket - Yarn basket
A stunning, sustainable and eco-friendly basket for green shoppers, busy individuals, picnic lovers and travelers with braided leather handles and woven from thick and tough elephant grass, Get one for yourself and your loved ones!
Material: Elephant Grass and Leather
From Kenya
Ethically sourced
H: 12.5” x W: 10” excluding the handles
Packed: 14x14x11
This item CAN be made to order. Kindly use the pre-order form and please allow 5 – 15 business days for delivery within the U.S. after it has been made. International orders may take longer to ship depending on location. Please email us if you have any questions.
COMING SOON: You will have options to pre-order items and select colors. As a bonus, you will receive images of your personalized products when they were created. This gives you the option to receive items to match your style or select a special gift hotsell with a visual story for a loved one to show you truly care! Made-to-order directly from Kenya.
Orders over $100 within the MD-VA-DC area can be hand-delivered.