Pink wedding bouquet with silk roses, Dried bridal bouquet with fake flowers, Whimsical bouquet hotsell with hydrangea, Garden flowers bouquet
Pink wedding bouquet with silk roses, Dried bridal bouquet with fake flowers, Whimsical bouquet hotsell with hydrangea, Garden flowers bouquet, This is a round dried and fake flowers bridal bouquet The main accords.
Product code: Pink wedding bouquet with silk roses, Dried bridal bouquet with fake flowers, Whimsical bouquet hotsell with hydrangea, Garden flowers bouquet
This is a round dried and fake flowers bridal bouquet. The main accords are tile, dusty mauve and pink colour and a delicate mint for dry hydrangea. It is a beautiful hand crafted bridal bouquet. The fake and silk flowers are arranged in a style of Wood flowers and Boho hippie. The hotsell dry hydrangea sprayed with 3 different paints to create the gradual shades of natural flower.
Diameter is = aprx. 12 "
I selected all the flowers with a loads of care and tried hard to pick the best quality only.
I provide the ribbon for the handle too. Please request the colour.
As it is very special bouquet you may have some questions which I am enterely happy to answer in PM.