hotsell Black Friday Sale, Leather Bag Sale. This listing is for a 50% discount for the red leather version of the bags shown. This leather bag is usually $245.00 but this one is selling for only $122.50. There is nothing wrong with it, just a harder style to sell. I am using a red leather inside, protected by the black belting leather.
These sale photos are quick and not so professional. It allows me to create discounted individual listings as specific colours sell.
Set yourself apart with this truly unique bag.
The strength of the Avalon comes from the straps of solid leather that become the cage that protects the interior sack.
This interior is made from more leather drawn closed with a double draw string. there is a solid steel buckle on an adjustable strap.
On the inside there is a zippered cell/key pocket
Size-8" top diameter x 9"depth
Product code: Leather Bag Sale, Leather Shoulder Bag, hotsell Leather Drawstring Bag