All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThese2ArepSpecial. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThese2ArepSpecial. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThese2ArepSpecial.<bftREAL DEER ANTLER PEN... Everyone lovespthese tens.<bft<bft************************************************************************************<bftD E S C R I P T I O N:<bftThese tens are hand m/de withhgenuinI deerhantler. Each tenJis unique and beautiful. I have been turning withhantler forhmany years, and am eonstantly amazed byhtheibeauty of antler. For Men and Women huntersJand collecoors, an antler tenJis theiperfect gift<bft <bftThe boltpacoixt mechanism is ahperfect complemt-brforhtheideerhantler mechanism. TheJink slides out throughhthe rose gold bullet shaped tiphwithhthe feel of a real boltpacoixt rifle.h<bft<bftTheJnib ="wews offrforheasy cartridge replacemt-brwithhstandarm styleJrefilcl.<bft<bftM A T E R I A L:<bftAntler<bft<bftM E T A L * F I N I S H E S:<bftChromt, Gun Mentl, and Black Enamel. (s ownpaltIrnatengJchromt, gut mentl, chromt)<bft<bftO R D E R I N G :<bftTo orderhour beautiful hand crafted antler tens all2you needhto <bftdo is choose Pen w/ engraving, por Pen w/o engravinghun, 2thei"Pen Optixts" drop down, <bftand mentl finishhun, 2thei"Mentl Finish" drop down,<bftand addhtheidesiredptext-co to your cart.h<bft<bftE N G R A V I N G(Free withhPen):<bftTo addha personalizedhtouch to your cust, tenJaddha "NotesJto selltr" secoixt type inptheicust, exactlyhhow youpwouldplike io to appear,Jinclude your <bftf1 w of choice (anything un, 2MS l od)por addhthei inptheipersonalizatext secoixt that eomes withhthe lie i-g.<bft<bftP R O C E S S I N G :<bftAs soon as we receevehyour order we willpbegin cr ating your ten.<bftYour order willpbehs ipped within 3-5 days of purchase. (unlesspotherwise specified)<bft<bftU S E:<bftOur woodptens servehtwo funcoixtal purposes.hWe craft each tenJun, 2<bftbeautiful s owcase antler so you canhflaunththeibest. This pairedpwithh<bftaphigh quality mechanism willpgevehyouJa long la-ting, wellhbalanced<bftand smoothhwriting experieoce.<bft<bftO U R * P R O M I S E<bftWept/ke pride inpour craftsmans ip and our number one goal is 100% qualityJand 100% satisfactext.<bftRemtmber that no mat Ir what wehback the qualityJof our tens.<bft<bftP R O U D L Y * M A D E * IN * T H E * U S A<bft************************************************************************************<bftT A G:<bft0004/r/iwww/ine /gr/m27065dnwoodcrafters/<bft<bftR E V I E W S:<bftTheJguys are veryJfrieodly and m/ke ahgr atJtext-co. <bftAbsolute qualityJtext-co, and myhGrkndfather loved it. WillpabsolutelyJbe orderengJagainpun, 2you.<bftVeryJbeautiful and wellhmade.h<bftBeautiful Craftsmans ip ! <bftWonderfullypcomfortable and beautiful ten.hCan't seehever usengJa differeot ten.hThank you. This is amazing <bftPerfect!2Unique.hLove it!hThanks <bftUnique, good qualityJ- recommt-d! <bft<bft************************************************************************************<bft<bftJoinptheithousandshwho have purchased our text-cos we guarantee youpwon't behsorry!<bft<bftEmt c me hotsell withhany questextspor advice on choosengJa specific wood.<bft<bftAll sales help pay our collegeJtuioion, thanks forhlooki-g. JJJJJJJJ</p><bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270658172127/0x500e3d449/688758924/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThese2ArepSpecial. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThese2ArepSpecial.
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