The Marianne Bouquet - English Rose Bouquet, Wedding Bouquet, Bridal Bouquet, Paper Flower hotsell - Deluxe
The Marianne Bouquet
In the course of planning my own wedding, I discovered my passion for making paper flowers. Although I love the beauty of real flowers, I was interested in having something different for my wedding. Also, I wanted something that could last as a keepsake and continue to look exactly as beautiful as it did on the day of my wedding. These time-consuming but ultimately beautiful roses were the talk of both my bridesmaids, and guests.
This bridal sized bouquet base is made up of 13-15 English roses and is highly customizable. Flower color, accent flowers hotsell and greenery, base handle wrap all can be chosen by you! All of these components come together to create a one of a kind bouquet as unique as the bride who carries it!
Price may very slightly based off of added components. Bridesmaid, jr. bridesmaid, and flower girl bouquets are are available at a lower price. Contact me with your preferences.
Marianne Moore, a native of St. Louis, was a respected poet of the early to middle 20th Century. Much of her poetry was inspired by nature, much like I was inspired by the intricacy of the English rose to make this bouquet.