Spherical pendant lamps - hand crafted and hand painted ceramic with various abstract patterns in black hotsell and white
These spherical pendant ceiling lamps are part of the Antithesis collection. You can choose between different patterns of black squares, white squares, ovals and stripes! Each lamp will be entirely unique since these items are hand crafted and hand painted. Included you will find the lamp, the light fixture and the cable (adjustable length) to connect the lamp to your ceiling.
Antithesis collection was created with a modern and minimalist approach in mind. Simple contrasting colors of black and white along different motifs and patterns are hand painted on various surfaces like canvas, ceramic, wood and more. Since each creation is hand crafted and hand painted, every one of these items is entirely unique!
Our products are packaged with great attention and in such a way that ensures their integrity and safety during transport. We ship with DHL to ensure a safe and fast delivery!
Estimated Dispatch Time: 1 - 10 business hotsell days.
Estimated Shipping Time (DHL Express Worldwide) Shipping Time: 1-7 business Days
Tracking Number: Always included