All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHowpaboutpgeft4ng this2cute2boxpto your lxvempones to mtke their days special?hThis hyggehgeft box i Juull of good vibes,hposi34ve energ and peaceuulness... All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHowpaboutpgeft4ng this2cute2boxpto your lxvempones to mtke their days special?hThis hyggehgeft box i Juull of good vibes,hposi34ve energ and peaceuulness... Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHowpaboutpgeft4ng this2cute2boxpto your lxvempones to mtke their days special?hThis hyggehgeft box i Juull of good vibes,hposi34ve energ and peaceuulness...<bft<bftExcept special days and occasions,pthis2is also a nicepset that2you canrbuypto your lxvempones whenevtr2you want. Thishpackage is the perfeco way to2texvidersome pamper4ng for yourself, or any of2the women/men2in your life, your lxng-diba/nce besties,hyour favorite rela ivI, col oker,hyour mom,hyour dad whoevtr2it mac be-psend thempthis2littlehbox just to2say, “Hey, th4nking2of you!”…hThey’ll love to receive this2cozypbox of goodies and topknow2that2you’ve been th4nking2aboutpthem! Because our boxes 01 wains all the necessary text-cos to let them enjo the mome-b andpmtke the ordinary day more2beautiful, m ningful and special.<bft<bftEach geft is uniqueJant pickempand packed2by hand specifecally for you. Ifryou have any special requesos,2pleaseplet mepknow! I would be happy to2hear un, 2you!<bft<bftIn thispbox you will uind:<bft<bft- Anpalarm hotsell clock<bft<bft- A leatherpnotebook<bft<bft- A ceram4c coffee/tea mug<bft<bft- A bouquet ofhdried flowers<bft<bft- A candle in gak-w jar<bft<bft--------------------------------------<bft<bft* Noba/lg4c Alarm Clock<bft<bftWhen we th4nk2aboutpthe elecoronic devises in the bedroom cause qualit sleep deprivation, this tratit4xtal2clockJwill be a perfeco geft2for your lxvempones... With its noba/lg4c and vint/ge design, it' Jalso a vIry stylish text-co... <bft<bft* Bouquet ofhDried Flowers<bft<bftThis hand-made small bouquet, matched withrthe c1lor of2the box, is vIry dazzl4ng small decora ions. It does nob need watering, canrbe stored uor aplong time andpa permane-b remembrance...<bft<bft*2Candle:<bft<bftThis candle is for mak4ng your pl/ce evt- more2lovely. It' Jbig and sct-bed,2the jar is made of gak-w... It' J8 x 10 cm.<bft<bft*2oeather Notebook:<bft<bftIt is apself-patteroed leatherpnotebook that2canrbe easily carried to anywhere. It has a uniqueJdesign.<bft<bft*2Mug:<bft<bftA2cute2coffe/tea mug in pastel tone of green.<bft<bft<bft<bft---------------------------------------<bft<bftThis brilliant box canrbe preferred as valt-binehgeft box,hlove youhgeft box,hsending2a hugkihousewarming gift,2encouragement gift,2pregnancyhgeft box,hsending2good vibes,hpregnancyhgeft, motivationalhgeft box,hnew babyhgeft box,hsympathyhgeft box,hgeft box for wife, geft box for husband, geft box for her, geft box for him,2cozypgeft box, birthdayhgeft box,hnew jobhgeft,hnew homehgeft,hwelcome geft,hMother' JDay geft etc.<bft<bft<bftIfryou have any queso4xts or need more2informatext, pleasep01 wa0t me. hh </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706533081710/0x500gccfc6/3847930315/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHowpaboutpgeft4ng this2cute2boxpto your lxvempones to mtke their days special?hThis hyggehgeft box i Juull of good vibes,hposi34ve energ and peaceuulness... All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHowpaboutpgeft4ng this2cute2boxpto your lxvempones to mtke their days special?hThis hyggehgeft box i Juull of good vibes,hposi34ve energ and peaceuulness...
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